Sabtu, 23 April 2011

3D Animation - Illusion Mage 3D Animation Software

Have you always wanted to create your own animations or 3D Games?

What if I told you that you can produce animations and models like Pixar or Walt Disney easily and quickly from the comfort of your home.... with the same software that leading European studios are using.
The good news is there's a sea change is sweeping across the animation industry, transforming thousands of lives and home studios and it a powerful software that allows the 'little guy' to make...

BEAUTIFUL Animations With Minimum Effort...


Listen carefully: If you're after a professional 3D software that will allow you to create cutting-edge 3D animations, movies or games easily and cannot afford big name software like Maya or 3D Max, then this might just be the most important letter you will ever read.


3D Animation Software Computer Graphics
Industry-Leading 3D Modelling / Animation / Game Design Software Used By Animation Studios and Home Users Worldwide
  Create Broadcast Quality 3D Content, High Quality Modelling, 3D Figure Design and Animation, Rendering, Post-production, Real-time Interactive 3D and Games Creation with Live Playback.
Complete 250+ Pages Of Illustrated Tutorials and 20 Step-by-Step Free Animation Software Video Training. Over 370 Minutes of Video Tutorials Makes It Dead-Simple For Anyone To Get Started...
Can Be Used For Professional Branded Advertisements to High End Animated Game Characters and Environments.
Powerful All-In-One Integrated 3D Creation Software and Advanced Animation System with Full Range of Tools for High End 3D-production
Free Updates For Life. All From the Thriving Open Source Community, This Software is Forever Improving
Works With Multiple File Types - Supports 3D Studio, Lightwave Formats and Many More & Compatible With Windows and Mac.

Click Here To Read More


Here's An Indepth Look At All The Features: 


Feature 1: Ease Of Interface
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3d riggering software 
* Overview of Features *

Click Here to watch the interface in action!
checkmark Revolutionary non-overlap and non-blocking interface makes it easy to use
checkmark Fully customizable window layout - You can configure any amount of screen types with custom themes.
checkmark Undo easily at any level - Make changes to your mistakes with one-touch
checkmark Powerful built-in database system allowing instances, scene management, and dynamic linking multiple project files
checkmark Anti-aliased fonts with international translation support
checkmark Windows for animation curves/keys, outliner, schematic scene diagram, non-linear video sequence editing, character animation action editor, non-linear animation mixer, image/UV editing, file/image selection and file management
checkmark Built-in text editor for annotations and editing Python scripts
checkmark Graphical user interface with consistent interface across all platforms
checkmark Plus 300 hours of videos and tutorials included with illusionMage Suite.
Feature 2: Advanced 3D Modelling
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animation character rendering
* Overview of Features *

Click Here to watch an amazing demo of water fluid motion!
checkmark Supports a full range of 3D object types including polygon meshes, NURBS surfaces, bezier and B-spline curves, metaballs, vector fonts.
checkmark Editing functions such as extrude, bevel, cut, spin, screw, warp, subdivide, noise
checkmark Very fast Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces with optimal iso-lines display and sharpness editing
checkmark Modifier stack deformers souch as Lattice, Curve, Armature
checkmark Mirror modifier with middle vertices clipping and automatic deletion of inner faces
checkmark Non destructive real time Boolean and Array modifiers
checkmark Mesh modeling based on vertex, edge and/or face selection
checkmark Smooth soft selection editing tools for organic modeling
Feature 3: 3D Cartoon Animation
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* Overview of Features *

Click Here to see a video that demonstrates the physics of Blender
checkmark Armature (skeleton) deformation with forward/inverse kinematics
checkmark Auto IK allows posing FK chains easily
checkmark Non-linear animation editor for mixing individual actions in Action editor
checkmark Automated walkcycles along paths and Animated constraint system
checkmark Vertex key framing for morphing, with controlling sliders
checkmark Edit and create new blendshapes from existing targets
checkmark Character animation pose editor and Animated deformers (Lattice, Curve)
checkmark 'Ipo' system integrates both motion curve and traditional key-frame editing
checkmark Audio playback, mixing and editing support for sound synchronisation
checkmark Timeline offers fast acces to many playback functions, autokey, help markers
Feature 4: Realtime 3D/Game Creation

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* Overview of Features *

Click Here to see a car simulation game created with this animation software
checkmark Graphical logic editor for defining interactive behavior without programming
checkmark Collision detection and dynamics simulation now support to Bullet Physics Llibrarly. Bullet is an Detection and Rigid Body Dynamics Library for games used by PlayStation 3, Nintendo Wii, XBox360
checkmark Shape types: Convex polyhedron, box, sphere, cone, cylinder, capsule and static triangle mesh with auto deactivation mode
checkmark Discrete collision detection for RigidBody simulation
checkmark Support for in-game activation of dynamic constraints
checkmark Full support for vehicle dynamics, including spring reactions, stiffness, damping, tyre friction etc
checkmark Python scripting API for sophisticated control and AI, fully defined advanced game logic
checkmark Support for multimaterials, multitexture and texture blending modes, per-pixel lighting, dynamic lighting, mapping modes.
checkmark Support all OpenGLTM lighting modes, including transparencies
checkmark Playback of games and interactive 3D content without compiling or preprocessing 
Feature 5: 3D Editing & Compositing
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* Overview of Features *

Click Here to check out a video of an exceptionally rich 3D landscape
checkmark Compositor tightly integrated and aligned with the rendering pipeline
checkmark Composite nodes souch as Render Result, RGB Curves, Mix, Hue Saturation, Alpha Over, Z Combine, Normal, Vector Curves, Filter, Blur, Vector Blur, Color Ramp, Time
checkmark Preview panel to define the portion of interest. A composite then only happens on this part
checkmark Threaded and memory efficient
checkmark Near realtime sequencer can edit hours of video with Waveform and U/V scatter plots
checkmark Open and write many audio & video files
checkmark Can render using frameserver-support directly into foreign applications
checkmark Supports float images as well as regular 32 bits images
checkmark Curves tool allows you to create a mapping from the float range to a displayable result (for HD images)
Feature 6: Enhanced 3D Rendering
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* Overview of Features *

Click Here to watch an amazing demo of water fluid motion!
checkmark Very fast inbuilt raytracer
checkmark Oversampling, motion blur, post-production effects, fields, non-square pixels
checkmark Tile-based and fully threaded
checkmark Render Layers and passes
checkmark Render engine tightly integrated with the node compositor
checkmark Halo, lens flares and fog effects
checkmark Vector motion-blur post-process effect (using node compositor)
checkmark Edge rendering for toon shading
checkmark Interactive preview rendering panel in any 3d view
checkmark Ambient Occlusion and Radiosity solver
checkmark Integral support for the famous Yafray render engine
checkmark Export scripts available for external renderers such as Renderman (RIB), Povray, Virtualight, Indigo
Feature 7: Complex 3D Shading
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* Overview of Features *

Click Here to watch actual
footage of 3D Shading in action!
checkmark Diffuse shaders such as Lambert, Minnaert, Toon, Oren-Nayar, Lambert
checkmark Specular shaders such as WardIso, Toon, Blinn, Phong, CookTorr
checkmark Node editor for creating and mixing complex materials
checkmark Material previews rendered by main render engine
checkmark Tangent shading to give any shader an anisotropic effect
checkmark Versatile procedural textures system
checkmark Environment maps
checkmark Normal maps
Feature 8: Interactive 3D Rigging
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* Overview of Features *

Click Here to watch an amazing demo of water fluid motion!
checkmark Fast skeleton creation mode
checkmark Mirror editing (bone creation and weight painting)
checkmark Fast envelope based skinning
checkmark Interactive 3D paint for vertex weighting
checkmark Bone layers for better rig organization
checkmark B-splines interpolated bones
checkmark Constraint stack for IK solver setup and other constraints
Feature 9: Realistic Physics & Particles
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character rendering

* Overview of Features *

Click Here to see a video that demonstrates the physics of Blender

checkmark Particle system can be attached to any mesh object. Control methods include weight painting, textures, curve guides, wind and vortex effects. Particles can be deflected by moving geometry
checkmark Hair strands can be created by a static particle system, supporting all particle control methods
checkmark Fluid simulator with fully animated inflow, outflow, obstacle and fluid objects. Gravity and viscosity settings can also be animated. Supports vector blur and is integrated with the particle system
checkmark Realtime soft body solver integrated in mesh, lattice, curve and text objects. Supports collision detection and particle field effects like Wind or Vortex, soft bodys can also be baked for faster playback/rendering
checkmark Game engine rigid body physics can be easily baked into animation curves
Export & Work With Multiple File Types

compatible with 3d max maya lightwave 
studio and more
  • Save all scene data in a single .blend file, even images, sounds or fonts can be packed for easy transportation
  • Powerful built-in database system allowing instances, scene management, and dynamic linking multiple project files
  • .blend format supports compression, digital signatures, encryption, forwards/backwards compatibility and can be used as a library to link to from other .blend files
  • You can open,modify and save in these formats:
    TGA, JPG, PNG, OpenEXR, DPX, Cineon, Radiance HDR, Iris, SGI Movie, IFF, AVI, Quicktime - GIF, TIFF, PSD, MOV
    3D Studio, AC3D, COLLADA, DEC Object File Format, DirectX, Lightwave, MD2, Motion Capture, Nendo, OpenFlight, PLY, Pro Engineer, Radiosity, Raw Triangle, Softimage, STL, TrueSpace, VideoScape, VRML, VRML97, Wavefront, X3D Extensible 3D, xfig export